Monday 15 April 2013

Conversation #3

With harjot rajan and me

Thursday 11 April 2013

Le Film Ratatouille by denziel and rajan

Le Film Ratatouille

Rajan : Oui, j’aime le film parce qu’ il est comique.
Denziel : Non, je n’aime pas le film parce qu’ il prĂȘt ennuyeux.

Rajan + Denziel : J’aime Remy parce qu’ il est comique et un bon chef. Il aime cuire.

Rajan +Denziel : nous tarif ceci film quatre d’etoiles parce qu’il prĂȘt bon.

By : Rajan and Denziel

Wednesday 10 April 2013

P.E Marks

P.E Marks

For P.E this year i should get a A+ cause i try every time we have a class of P.E and every fitness that happens tuesday and friday. The other reason that i should get a A is that i always bring my P.E strip to the block i never forgot my strip once. I was always on time to class i wasnt late for a class and the other reason i should get a A is that when we do a game i always bring the equipment out and i always put in back in.